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UNICEF Disaster Risk Reduction Decentralization Consultancy

by | 22nd January 2016

UNICEF Consultancy: Child-Sensitive Disaster Risk Reduction within a Decentralization and Local Governance Context


Fumiyo Kagawa is undertaking a consultancy for the Social Inclusion sector of UNICEF New York on Child-Sensitive Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) within a Decentralization and Local Governance (DeLoG) Context.

The consultancy is a response to the relative dearth of practically-oriented literature on decentralized disaster risk reduction. While there is  theoretical and policy acceptance of the effectiveness of decentralizing DRR as well as of its community accountability benefits, there is little literature on the practicalities involved, what works and what does not work, or on the role of local government in achieving successful DRR.UNICEF is particularly keen to know how best to support local government in the implementation of DRR amongst communities at risk.

The purpose of the consultancy is to document evidence-based UNICEF programming on DRR within a DeLoG context. The specific objectives are fourfold:

  • To identify international best practice and lessons learned in DRR programming within a DeLoG context To asses the de jure and de facto situation of local governance and DRR in three countries through a desk literature review combined with six days of field research in each country
  • To document and assess UNICEF engagement in DRR within a DeLoG context through a documentary review, field visits and a workshop with UNICEF country officers in each country
  • To formulate approaches through which UNICEF can more systematically and sustainedly support DRR within a DeLoG context.

The work, to be undertaken between January and May 2016, will fall into two phases. Phase 1 will involve a literature review and field research looking at the de jure and de facto situation regarding local governance and DRR in the three identified countries exploring institutional frameworks, policy and planning frameworks, budgeting processes and financial flows, implementation of DRR services, and accountability and participatory mechanisms. Phase 2 will involve the development of three country case studies of UNICEF engagement in DRR within DeLoG contexts and the writing of a Technical Guidance Note for UNICEF officers on supporting decentralized DRR initiatives. Fumiyo will end the consultancy with an international webinar for UNICEF staff.