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Pilot Tests of DRR Curriculum Technical Guidance

by | 30th May 2013

Pilot Tests of Sustainability Frontiers’ DRR Curriculum Technical Guidance


The draft disaster risk reduction curriculum technical guidance document developed by the Sustainability Frontiers team of David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa for UNESCO and UNICEF (click here for details) is currently being piloted for training and capacity building purposes in twelve countries.  Titled Towards a Learning Culture of Safety and Resilience: Technical Guidance for Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction in the School Curriculum, it is currently being piloted by UNESCO in Asia (Laos, Philippines, Nepal and Sri Lanka and in the Caribbean (Trinidad and Tobago, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, and the Dominican Republic).  It is being piloted under the auspices of UNICEF in Africa and Central Asia.  With due reworking in the light of feedback from the pilot testing, the final version of the guidance document will be published later in 2013.

For details, go to the Role of Public Awareness and Education in Building Community Resilience page of the 19-23 May 2013 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and click on Presentations (notes to slide 9).

For news of developments in Nepal, click here.