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Sustainability Frontiers joins Humans and Island Environments Initiative

by | 13th January 2016

Sustainability Frontiers joins the Foundation for Environmental Conservation’s 7th International Conference on Humans and Island Environments


The Foundation for Environmental Conservation (FEC) has launched preparations for its 7th International Conference on Environmental Future (7th ICEF) provisionally planned for 17-21 July 2017 in Hawaii. 15 conference themes are planned of which one is: What is the role of environmental education on islands?

The Sustainability Frontiers UK team of David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa have agreed to act as leaders and reviewers  for this theme. Their task is to write a write a review paper on the theme to be published by the journal Environmental Conservation following the normal peer-review process. The paper as published will provide the basis for a conference workshop where topics such as the state of knowledge on the theme, future research directions and conservation education priorities will be discussed. Expected outputs from the conference will include policy briefs to be made available online.

Please get in touch with David and Fumiyo if you have island-related environmental education theoretical and practical reflections, recommendations and case study material to share. These will be acknowledged in the paper.