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High Praise for Down the Combe!

High Praise for Down the Combe!

David Selby’s new book, Down the Combe and Into the Meadow: Reflections on Nature and Learning (Blue Poppy Publishing, 2024) is being being very warmly and very enthusiastically received by reviewers. In a review article in Policy & Practice: A Development...

Quality Education with the Planet in Mind: GPE-Commissioned Paper

Quality Education with the Planet in Mind: GPE-Commissioned Paper

From May to November 2022 Fumiyo Kagawa working with David Selby provided technical support to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Secretariat on climate change and education, their brief being to develop a conceptual framework for ‘climate-smart education...

Towards a Pedagogy for Climate Action: GPE blog 

Towards a Pedagogy for Climate Action: GPE blog 

In December 2022 Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby made a contribution to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Role of Education in Addressing Climate Change blog series.  To access their blog, ‘Towards a Pedagogy for Climate Action’ in English version, go to: ...

Critical Review of the IB Learner Profile

Critical Review of the IB Learner Profile

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Global Centre in The Hague has commissioned David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa to critically review the IB Learner Profile, the ten attributes reflecting the holistic nature of an IB education, through the lens of transformative...

The Heat is On! UNICEF Climate Change and Education Publication Series

The Heat is On! UNICEF Climate Change and Education Publication Series

Since February 2020, Fumiyo Kagawa has been undertaking a UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) study on the impacts of climate change on education systems in the South Asian region as well as education system responses to climate change. The countries covered...