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Bhutan Education Sector Disaster Management Consultancy

by | 8th July 2015

Consultancy: Bhutan Education Sector Disaster Management Plan and Training on Communications Skills and Interactive Learning


Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby of Sustainability Frontiers UK have entered agreement with the Bhutan Country Office of Save the Children International to act as consultants in developing the Bhutan Education Sector National Disaster Management Plan and in developing and facilitating a training program on communication styles and interactive learning skills for the national disaster management project team. The consultancy will be undertaken between July and November 2015.

The process of developing an Education Sector Disaster Management Plan involves bringing together all education sector actors (Ministry of Education, UN agencies, and relevant national and international agencies) to take stock of disaster management initiatives so far implemented, identify gaps, lessons and capacities, set common priorities, formulate unified strategies and activities, and fix timelines and resources. The process will also be used to institutionalise education sector disaster management coordination and to prompt discussion and agreement on emerging educational needs such as developing trauma management and counselling capacities in schools, instituting school vulnerability and capacity assessment, strengthening links between schools and communities.

For their part, Fumiyo and David will review all relevant documentation, review training needs, hold distance consultative meetings with key actors and write a draft plan, building in feedback from a series of national and regional workshops. During an October visit to Bhutan they will facilitate a national education sector workshop on the draft plan to prompt discussion and elicit feedback. They will also facilitate a training on communication skills and interactive learning for the national project team, having developed a training program and attendant learning materials following dialogue with Bhutan colleagues during September. On their return to the UK they will put the finishing touches to both the Management Plan and the training program.