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Child-friendly Schools and Peacebuilding Consultancy Update

Child-friendly Schools and Peacebuilding Consultancy Update

David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa are just completing a consultancy for the UNICEF Peacebuilding Education and Advocacy Program (PBEA) aimed at exploring the peacebuilding potential of child-friendly theory and practice in conflict-affected contexts.   Their specific...

Research Consultancy on Disaster Risk Reduction in School Curricula

Research Consultancy on Disaster Risk Reduction in School Curricula

Research Consultancy on Disaster Risk Reduction in School Curricula in South Asian and South East Asian Countries for Plan Sweden   David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa are undertaking a December 2013/January 2014 research consultancy for Plan Sweden into disaster risk...

Social Learning towards a Sustainable World now open-access e-book

Social Learning towards a Sustainable World now open-access e-book

Social Learning towards a Sustainable World has been made available as an open access e-book   The important and influential volume,  Social Learning towards a Sustainable World: Principles, perspectives, and praxis, edited by Arjen Wals and published by...

World as ‘Lasting Storm’ Article and 8 November Webinar

World as ‘Lasting Storm’ Article and 8 November Webinar

David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa's article, 'World as "Lasting Storm": Educating for Disaster Risk Reduction' appears in the Summer 2013 number – the 100th number - of Green Teacher.  The article briefly overviews the field of disaster risk reduction education (DRRE)...

Child-friendly Schools and Peacebuilding Consultancy

Child-friendly Schools and Peacebuilding Consultancy

David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa are undertaking a consultancy for UNICEF New York to explore the peacebuilding potential of child-friendly theory and practice in conflict-affected contexts.  Their specific brief is to assist the UNICEF Peacebuilding Education and...