The article by David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa, ‘ Runaway Climate Change as Challenge to the ‘Closing Circle’ of Education for Sustainable Development’ published in the Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, vol. 4, no. 2 in March 2010 became the Journal’s...
ESRC Seminar Series on Disaster Education in the UK (September 7, 2010 )
Fumiyo Kagawa presented at the ESRC funded seminar series on disaster education at the University of Kingston, London. This was the last in the series of seminars following events at Newcastle, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. The series aimed at deepening the debate...
Two SF members in Iran (July 2010)
In July 2010 Wendy Agnew and Lidra Remacka of Sustainability Frontiers visited the Shahid Mahdavi Educational Complex, Teheran, Iran, to induct 300 women teachers into the Montessori way of learning. They covered six aspects of guidance: language, arithmetic,...
July – August 2010: World Environment and Peace Summer School, Jeju Island, Korea (July 26, 2010)
Fumiyo Kagawa delivered a series of three presentations on Climate Change and Education within the Environment and Climate Change Studies of World Environment Leadership Track of the 4th World Environment and Peace Summer School (WEPSS), Jeju Island, South Korea. The...
New Book on Sustainability in Higher Education
David Selby’s new book, Sustainability Education: Perspectives and Practice Across Higher Education, co-edited with Paula Jones and Stephen Sterling of the Centre for Sustainable Futures, University of Plymouth, has just been published by Earthscan. The first...
Climate Change: Thoughts from a Darkened Corner
David Selby gave a presentation to the Sustainable Development Vision Group for Sidmouth, Devon, England, on transformative formal and informal educational responses to the climate change threat.
Sustainability Education in Nova Scotia for Everyone (SENSE)
Bert Tulk presented on ‘Sustainability Frontiers: a new international response to global challenges of sustainability’ to a gathering of 60 education for sustainable development leaders in Nova Scotia. The SENSE meeting took place at the Nova Scotia Community...
Swiss Group of International Schools’ Doing More with Less Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland
David Selby presented sessions on the sustainable school, climate change education and futures-oriented education at the 2010 annual conference of the Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS), Lausanne, Switzerland, 12/13 March...
Belfast Centre for Global Education 5th Annual Conference, Learning for Change, Dublin, Ireland
David Selby delivered the keynote speech at the 5th annual conference of the Belfast-based Centre for Global Education to be held at the Camden Court Hotel, Dublin on 11 March 2010. His keynote title and blurb are as follows: Transformative Learning in...
New Article
Wendy Agnew describes fluent stages of transformative education detailing intersecting cycles of cognitive and collaborative structures in ‘The Importance of 3’, Canadian Association of Montessori Teacher’s Newsletter, Winter 2010, 35(1), 7-8.
Upcoming Article
A new article by David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa, ‘Runaway Climate Change as Challenge to the ‘Closing Circle’ of Education for Sustainable Development’ is to appear in the March 2010 number (vol. 4, no. 1, 37-50) of the Journal of Education for Sustainable...
Festschrift event in honor of Professor Hanns-Fred Rathenow, Institute for Social Sciences and Historical/Political Education, Technical University of Berlin
David Selby delivered the keynote address, ‘Educational Thoughts from a Darkened Corner: Climate Change and the Need for Un-civilization’, at a special event to launch the Festschrift (published collection of essays celebrating the career of a retiring professor)...