Written by David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa, this cutting-edge volume critically examines UNICEF child-friendly school theory and practice from a peacebuilding perspective and offers some twenty-eight illustrative case studies from countries experiencing or emerging from...
Fracking Article marks new SF development!
'Fracking: Unlocking the Great Debate', Green Teacher, Fall 2014, Issue 104, 12-15. Over the last year, Bert Tulk, Director of Sustainability Frontiers, Canada, has been working on an initiative to bring the hydraulic fracturing ('fracking') issue to the...
Sustainability Frontiers Bulletin 10: November 2014
Sustainability Frontiers Bulletin 10: November 2014
Towards a Learning Culture of Safety and Resilience published!
Towards a Learning Culture of Safety and Resilience: Technical Guidance for Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction in the School Curriculum This groundbreaking document by Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby - the outcome of a UNESCO and UNICEF consultancy to develop...
Sustainability Frontiers Bulletin 9: October 2014
Sustainability Frontiers Bulletin 9: October 2014
Istanbul Child-friendly Schooling for Peacebuilding Workshop
Istanbul Child-friendly Schooling for Peacebuilding Workshop, 25-27 September 2014 Following our Child-friendly Schooling for Peacebuilding consultancy for UNICEF, Sustainability Frontiers was invited to facilitate a three-day workshop for UNICEF officers in...
Bangladesh Curriculum Review
Save the Children Bangladesh Curriculum Review Consultancy Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby are undertaking an October to December 2014 consultancy for Save the Children (STC) as part of a DIPECHO project on school disaster management in Bangladesh to which a...
Climate Change in the Classroom: Portuguese Version
Climate change in the Classroom, the six-day course for secondary teachers on climate change education for sustainable development (for details, click here) written for UNESCO by David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa and published in 2013 has now been made available in...
Caribbean Disaster Risk Reduction Education Kit
David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa have recently completed a Disaster Education Project for the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) involving sixteen English-speaking Caribbean countries. Their first task was to conduct a baseline study on the...
The Super Global High School Program, Tamagawa Academy, Japan
David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa are members of the High Panel Team, an external advisory body, established for the Super Global High School Program at the Tamagawa Academy, Tokyo, Japan. The Program is a five-year initiative launched by the Japanese Ministry of...
New Japanese Program
The Super Global High School Program, Tamagawa Academy, Japan David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa are to join the High Panel Team, an external advisory body, established for the Super Global High School Program at the Tamagawa Academy, Tokyo, Japan. The Program is a...
16-country Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency Research and Development Project
David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa completed a April to September 2014 Disaster Education Project for the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) involving sixteen English-speaking Caribbean countries. Their first task was to conduct a baseline study on the...